Designer/ Researcher/ Storyteller

Rives Matson is an interaction designer who has received her Bachelor of Fine Arts at Rhode Island School of Design with a focus in Industrial Design working in national security, sustainable products, and human-centered design. Since graduation, she has had experience designing in various spaces from boutique consultancies to agencies to start-up studios to National Lab. Rives designs with a collaborative approach utilizing strategy and user research to outline the goals and define the problem space of each project to find the most impactful, elegant solution to every problem.

Her design philosophy is that the tool should never drive the solution, for whatever the problem you are working to solve the design strategy must always be only elevated by the medium you choose to design with. Keeping this general approach to her work ensures that the project's goals are never lost and keeps problem-solving at the center of her design process.

Sample of clients & collaborators  ︎︎︎

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